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60 employees

24 employees on 24/7 duty

500 customers to look after,

out of them 70 customers in

live monitoring with 8,000


2,2 million alarms

32,000 job tickets

650 tickets per employee

When you monitor networks of 70

customerswithmore than 8,000 devices

around the globe with live- monitoring,

something is always happening some-

where. A power failure in Florida, faulty

hardware in CapeTown– and the system

comes to a standstill. At the same time,

an alarm is received at the Service

Operations Center (SOC) at NTS. This

happens 94,000 times a month and

more than half of it has to be considered

as critical. These have to be rectified in a

very short time.


Dominik Zeiler

is one of the 20 NTS

employees that work on the frontline in

the nerve center that is staffed 24/7. It is

Saturday, 7:30 PM. The 21-year old

started his twelve-hour shift half an

hour ago. From the beginning of the

shift, it’s evident that it will not be a

cushy job. In fact, it is a task of perma-

nently being on the ball under tremend-

ous time pressure. Messages are recei-

ved by the dozen. It is Dominik’s task to

get an idea of the reported errors. He has

a couple of seconds and occasionally two

or three minutes for it and he needs to

judge the criticalness of an incident, find

approaches for the solutions or forward

it to his colleagues that are on standby

for further processing. They will dissect

the incident by using their intellect as a

scalpel. The diagnosis is followed by the

required operations: notifying the com-

pany technician, to guide them through

2.2 million alarms per year, orders by the second,

up to one’s ears in adrenalin: one night with the

troubleshooters in the SOC of NTS

Words by:

Michael Samec

Photos by:

Marija Kanizaj

what needs to be done, organize replace-

ment devices, send a NTS technician…

Every second counts here.

Despite the enormous time pressure,

there is no visible rush. The specialists

work on their computers quietly and





everything appears to beverynormal. No

large wall screens where dazzling net-

work plans flicker, no red lamps

that suddenly flash and especially no

sirens or similar devices. “We don’t have

something like a command control

center and we also don’t need it. That is

all mostly for show”, chuckles



, Head of SOC

and thus master

of 60 SOC employees, from 8 countries,

which are located in Graz, Vienna

and Klagenfurt. He likes to call them “su-

Server failure in Cape Town!

The whole company stands still:

now every second counts!

10 PM


perheroes in the background”. Their self-

confident slogan states: “Never call us a

call center!”

By the time Dominikwas finally relieved

from his duty at 7 o’clock the next

morning, more than 1,000 messages

were received during that shift. Then he

gets rid of his adrenalin in the gym in

order to be able to fall asleep.

5 AM

Even after 10 hours of pure

pressure: competent,

concentrated and friendly.

Not even halftime, but

already more than 500

calls received.



NTS man, Center Director

of Superheroes