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Thomas Hausegger

with the NTS family since 2011. Since January

2017, he has been in charge of the NTS loca-

tions Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt and

Graz as Area Manager East. In doing so,

he not only cares for 70 employees, but has

the sales activities as well as the future of NTS

on his radar as well.

Thomas Bartl

is in NTS’s service since 2009.

As the Area Manager West,

he looks after 65 employees

and roughly 330 customers in

the locations Innsbruck, Bolza-

no, Dornbirn as well as Fried-

richshafen and Rosenheim.

If you had three wishes or hopes for

the technological future, what would

they be?


Firstly, I would wish for: more fo­

cus on the usability during the develop­

ment of future products. Secondly,

despite all euphoria for digitalization,

more solutions are found for people

whose work places are affected by this

and thirdly, in amore general statement,

that technology continues to help us to

answer open questions.


I have no wishes concerning pro­

duct developments, but if I could wish

for something intangible, it would be

90%. When you obviously venture into

other countries, as we do now in Germa­

ny, then the whole topic of mindset co­

mes into play or when certain hierarchi­

cal structures cannot be avoided, then it

will certainly be possible for NTS to at

least keep thework environment and the

familiar atmosphere.

Do you knowof a case that a customer

turned its back on NTS?


No, I have never witnessed such a

thing. No customer has left NTS, not at

least since I’ve worked in the region

West. In the whole of Austria, it might

have happened, I presume.


(considers) For commercial rea­

sonsyes, but never because of dissatisfac­

tion. This means, if it happened, then

based on internal or economic reasons,

The work of Thomas Bartl and Thomas

Hausegger actually encompasses much

more than guiding the different ways

and developments of the individual lo­

cations into a common direction. Be­

cause it also entails receiving the current

satisfaction level of the employees and

finding newemployees. Not forgetting of

course, to look after customers in NTS’s

very own special way as well.

Is it possible to keep the above

average satisfaction level of the

employees when NTS is continuing to

grow? Due to the fact that the bigger a

business becomes, themore standar-

dized the characters.

Thomas Hausegger:

Yes. That’s ex­

actlywhy the structure of the business is

as it is. It was attempted from the begin­

ning to create smaller, even informal

units via the individual location organi­

zations. As a whole, it is not a small fa­

mily anymore, but it remains like that in

the individual locations. In future, based

on such a rapid growth rate, one has to

create again, smaller units in order to

keep these family-like bonds.

Thomas Bartl:

I consider it as part of

my job that it stays like that. That’s what

I am here for. I think that this is mana­

geable to a certain degree, let’s say to 80-

but as far as I knownever because of qua­

litative arguments.

Is there a difference for customers

between NTSWest and East?


As I have also worked for some

time in Vienna, I am able to say: yes. In

the West, so mainly in Tyrol and Vorarl­

berg, handshake quality is of great im­

portance. The further you go towards the

East of Austria, the more political it gets.

This affects many other factors that one

has to consider subsequently.


Precisely for that reason to balan­

ce these differences, individual location

organizations exist at NTS. Ideally, the

customers prefer direct and trusted

contact persons. This itself creates basic

trust, as local partners are preferred, in

particular in the IT industry where you

penetrate deeply into the business. Loca­

lization and individual support is alrea­

dyvery important for the customers and

it becomes even more important, ir­

respective of if they are in the East or

West of Austria.

Does NTS have a different signifi-

cance in the East than in theWest of



There is definitely a big difference.

In Tyrol, we are nearly unrivaled; you





could even call us the top dog. NTS is at

least amongst the top nominationswhen

we talk about the portfolio.


InVienna, Linz and Salzburg there

is clearly still some potential to grow in

recognition. That’s why there is now a

new location in Vienna too, in order to

give a clear signal. Plans for locations in

the other provincial capitals are current­

ly underway.

A glimpse into the future: Will NTS

ever enter the B2C business?


One cannot completely answer

this question in a quick way. It depends

of course on the products of our part­

ners and as well as on the end customer.


We generally look at an indirect

B2C, as our customers today already

pass on parts of our work to end custo­

mers. However, NTS will probably never

conduct a pure end customer business.

» Sales is essentially

more of a creative

process, as in reality

you are selling

emotions, hopes

and desires. «

Thomas Hausegger

that the pace does not increase any­

more. It means that technical develop­

ments that already progress at a very

rapid rate, should not move any faster

than now. Even the customers can’t keep

up with it and very often large busi­

nesses can’t manage. Secondly, I would

wish for: that the Chinese market does

not flood the European market. Nowa­

days, there are hardly any producers of

high-end technical products in Europe.

And thirdly, I wouldwish for more long-

term relationships with our partners

especially in connection with the cur­

rent developments with the trading

partner America as many of them are

US based companies.

NTSwas present at the Urban Future

fair 2018. Whenwill the smart cities

become reality?


There is presently no complete

smart city in existence, but it does exist

Briefly said, it is your job to take care of the future

organizational development of NTS and to represent NTS

externally and internally, one of you in the West of Austria,

the other one in the East.

Words by:

Harald Müller

Photos by:

NTS, Atelier Hohlrieder, LSZ Consulting