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» We offer to

our employees

a semester abroad

in California. «

Alexander Albler

our company. We aim to associate people

with our company; we want to interest

them, attract them to join us – and we

want to keep them.

Howdoes this work?


We focus very much on the satisf­

action of our employees. Currently 85%

state that they are very satisfied. We want

to achieve more than 90%.

And nowyou are facing this issue



No, it does not surprise you with

the second employee. Nowadays it is the

biggest challenge to find good emplo­



Inour line of business, there is a big

demand for qualified employees. Expe­

rienced people can choose inAustria from

around 5 jobs, and globally from most

probably 100 jobs forwhich one that suits

them the best.

So howdo you recruit?


We have a cooperation with uni­

versities and colleges, we offer students

internships aswell as possibilities towork

on their thesis or to carry out projects at


For this purpose, we are introdu­

cing an Employer Excellence Program. A

part of the income of the management

depends on the satisfaction of the em­

ployees. For exceptional performances,

we give awards and travel rewards to

which families can be brought along. We

also offer the opportunity to spend a se­

mester abroad at our new location in Ca­


Is the very first employee that you

took on still in the company?


He was the first full-time emplo­

yee. I ammaking this difference as we al­

ready had a part-time employee prior to

that. And yes, both still work for us.


It is time to celebrate!

The six subsidiaries are brought together under the

common umbrella of NTS Holding GmbH.