CLOUD NATIVE SECURITY FOR THE ENTIRE LIFECYCLE The integrated approach of Prisma Cloud offers the required amount of flexibility to the security and the DevOps teams. Thus, it allows them to collaborate efficiently and to accelerate the Cloud native application development. Prisma Cloud is integrated in cloud native architectures and toolkits to comprehensively protect them – and the entire application cycle - and to replace point solutions that are isolated from each other. Hence, the solution enables the introduction of a DevSecOps approach and a faster reaction to changing security demands in Cloud native architectures. CODE SECURITY IN THE CLOUD Nowdays, many developers and DevOps teams use container and infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) templates to accelerate the deployment and the update of Cloud applications and Cloud-based infrastructures. Prisma Cloud integrates transparency, control and automated fault corrections for weaknesses and error configuration for all phases of the App lifecycle in the tools that are used by the developers. MANAGEMENT OF THE CLOUD SECURITY LEVEL (CSPM) Effective Cloud security requires a complete overview of all implemented resources and an absolute trust in their configuration and their compliance. Prisma Cloud uses a unique approach for the CSPM that goes beyond the compliance and configuration management. Threat data frommore than 30 sources supply precise information about acute risks. Security measures in the development process ensure that unsafe configurations do not enter the production. PROTECTION FROM CLOUD WORKLOADS The Cloud native landscape is constantly undergoing changes. Thanks to new platforms and new technologies, businesses can provide new solutions faster and on a larger scale than ever before. Prisma Cloud therefore protects the entire life cycle – in the public and the private Cloud as well as in On-Premises environments. NETWORK SECURITY IN THE CLOUD Prisma Cloud identifies and avoids network anomalies by enforcing micro segmentation on container level, by examining protocol files for the data traffic and by using modern, cloud native functions for the threat defence on application level (layer 7). PROTECTION OF IDENTITY IN THE CLOUD It quickly becomes difficult to control the increasing number of rights for the many Cloud services when security teams attempt to assign absolutely necessary access rights with conventional manual methods. Prisma Cloud, however, continuously browses Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS-) and Platform-as-aService (PaaS) environments for risks for the identity and access management (IAM) and removes them automatically. PRISMA CLOUD® is the industry’s most comprehensive cloud native security platform (CNSP), with the industry’s broadest security and compliance coverage—for applications, data, and the entire cloud native technology stack—throughout the development lifecycle in multi-Cloud and hybrid-Cloud environments. Code security in the Cloud Management of the Cloud security level Protection of Cloud workloads Network security in the Cloud Identity protection in the Cloud GERMANY LOCKER BLEIBEN, WIR SCHAUKELN DAS FDN — p. 54 RSM — p. 56 LZG — p. 57 RTN — p. 58 AUG — p. 55 RELAX, WE CARE