When it involves the cooperation with NTS, the Information & Communication Technology (IKT) department team at the FHKärnten shows an inclination towards chemistry, which - according to them - is simply right after many years of collaboration: “NTS simplyunderstands howimportant it is in keeping our technical services state-of-the-art but at the same time still making it able to implement it as agile as possible,” joyfully remarks André Egger, DeputyHead of IT at the FH Kärnten. Students are accessing the learning platforms, the network drives and the servers around-the-clock - fromeverywherewith different devices. They receive their assignments from the network and upload their exam papers. Despite this high volume of traffic, the traffic lights need to stayongreen all the time. Here, it is a daily task of the FH team to balance between a user-friendly service and the safety requirements. Christina Unterluggauer, Head of IKT, FH Kärnten, adds an aspect for the future: “Thanks to our homogenous infrastructure that was implemented by NTS, we were able to avoid a lot of technical problems in the past and will certainly continue to do so in the future.” FH Kärnten counts on Cisco Webex callingwhen telephonyand collaboration experience is needed. This calling solution is based on the Cisco Webex Cloud platform. Powerful Cloud-Calling functions are captivating alongwith the high quality, predictable costs, along with a simple administration. Egger confirms: “We are very glad to have NTS as our partner for technical solutions. NTS always show a perfect cost-benefit ratio and are always aligned to our technical demands.” 2,900 students attend the FH Kärnten at five different locations. STRONGLY CONNECTED The Fachhochschule (FH) Kärnten (University of Applied Sciences Carinthia) and NTS have been working together successfully for more than 20 years. The collaboration is characterized by appreciation, trust, and a high quality of service and all this also connects at a technical as well as at a human level. Words by: Michael Samec Photos by: FH Kärnten » DIGITALIZATION IS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT AGILE AND HIGHLY AVAILABLE IT INFRASTRUCTURE. « André Egger, Deputy Head of IT, FH Kärnten SUCCESS STORY FACTS 5 locations C ollective data center M ore than 2,900 students M ore than 1,000 full- and part-time employees M ore than 30 study programs M ore than 3,500 clients on the network FACTS G lobally operating in 52 countries A pproximately 7,500 employees in Austria V arious social and health care facilities The Merciful Brothers are a religious order that is globally operating in all areas of social and health care, and it is characterized by fast and innovative answers on pressing challenges. In Austria, the order operates seven hospitals, several facilities for people withspecial care requirementsandforpeoplewith special needs, a convalescent hotel aswell as a therapy facility for drug addicts and it employs around 7,500 employees. CONCENTRATION ON THE CORE BUSINESS For the Merciful Brothers the healing, the treatment and the care of the person has top priority. TheMerciful Brothers relyon the long-lasting expertise of NTS so that the operation of the individual locations is working smoothly. Since 2021, the IT service provider has taken over the complete operational responsibility for the network infrastructure in Austria and additionally in the Bavarian order province. WE ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY Within the scope of a Cisco Enterprise Security Agreement, NTS supports the network teamof theMerciful Brothers IT services with a wide variety of solutions such as ISE and firewalls for a comprehensive and secure IT infrastructure. The NTS Managed Service includes different Cisco network components like router, switches and access points and with this, it ensures a stable network – and this around-the-clock. The SDN solution Cisco ACI stands for a secure and high-performing data center network. The applicationflexibilityaswell as the automation substantially enhance the data center network for the Merciful Brothers. True to its slogan “Relax, We Care”, longtimemaintenance contractswithNTS take care of a harmonized and transparent presentation of the IT landscape. The structure and the transparency that are COMPREHENSIVE AND CAREFREE WITH NTS Via a Managed Services contract, NTS takes over the support of the entire network infrastructure of the Merciful Brothers hospitals (in German: Barmherzige Brüder) in Austria and thus supports a seamless hospital operation. Words by: Ivana Puskaric Photo by: Lupi Spuma Safety First – in IT as well. Together with the State of Bavaria, the Merciful Brothers count on a cooperation in the sector of IT security. SUCCESS STORY » IN THE CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, A SEEMLESS HOSPITAL OPERATION HAS PRIORITY. A 24x7 OPERATION MUST BE GUARANTEED. WHEN CHOOSING A PARTNER, WE THEREFORE RELY ON THE MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FROM NTS. « Christian Neubauer Head of IT, Barmherzige Brüder created facilitate the planning of future projectsaswell as thebudgetingprocess. 41 40