DATA DRIVEN IT SOLUTIONS Porsche Informatik, a subsidiary of PorscheHolding, servicesmillions of customers on a daily basis and has developed 160 software products for this purpose. The company run their own data center from Salzburg and offer this service to 32 markets. The Porsche distribution center is one of the largest logistics centers in Europe. From there, the spare parts for Porsche Holding are shipped across Europe. PROTECTED BY A SECURE SECURITY SOLUTION For Porsche, it is a challenge to supply spare parts to customers on time and this requires a reliable technological solution. In order to provide a safe security solution, Porsche Informatik relies on the expert knowledge from NTS and Splunk. This project’s goal was to step in well before a stoppage or damage during the processing of orders occurs. “The project is the implementation of a ‘Security Information Event Management’ Systems (SIEM) that provides IT departments in numerous countrieswith the opportunity to analyze and evaluate processes in real time,” underlines JürgenWiesholzer, NTS TerritoryManager Salzburg. A LOCAL COOPERATION BASED ON PARTNERSHIP “It is the local cooperative partnership that has been the secret to success. Both between us, as Splunk, and the customer Porsche Informatik, as well as with our partner NTS. From the beginning, the The automotive industry is facing new challenges due to a vast amount of data, a large number of devices and increasing security requirements. In partnership with Splunk, NTS implemented a global security solution for Porsche Informatik. Words by: Ivana Puskaric Photo by: provided three of us tried to understand the project, to the best of our abilities, and this flagship project emerged out of it,” states a pleased Philipp Putz, Area Vice President, Switzerland and Austria with Splunk. When dealing with projects of this magnitude, it is important to maintain personal contact. This was possible due to the local presence in Salzburg and in other locations in Austria. NTS is also able to provide ideal support to Porsche Informatik on a European level. “The widely distributed locations were one of the complexities of the project at Porsche Informatik. On top of that we faced topics SUCCESS STORY FACTS S ubsidiary of Porsche Holding M ore than 800 employees O perating in 32 countries 1 60 solutions » IT IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT FOR US TO FIND THE RIGHT PARTNER AND THE RIGHT SOFTWARE PRODUCTS. WE ONLY CHOOSE THE BEST AND TOGETHER WITH SPLUNK AND NTS WE HAVE FOUND THE RIGHT PARTNER. « Andreas Sartori Head of Cyber Security & Advisory, Porsche Informatik More security with reliable Security Services by NTS. such as time zones or language barriers,” describes Thomas Fellinger, Senior SecurityArchitect with NTS. SUCCESS STORY The ‘Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik’ (AT&S) ‘Aktiengesellschaft’ (public company) is one of the leading suppliers and producers of high-end printed circuit boards (PCBs).Whilst being the undisputed number one in Europewith twomanufacturing locations in Austria, AT&S also has locations in China, India, SouthKorea and quite recently in Malaysia as well. In Malaysia alone, where the construction has only just started, there is already a plus of 300 employees. “In reality there are now already roughly 13,500 employees at AT&S,” clarifies Andreas Steiner, “but with this enormous growth, we are often lagging behind with updating our online press informations.” From their location in Leoben-Hinterberg in Upper Styria, the signs point toward growth as well. At the moment, the large construction site on the 5,500 square meter plot is determining everyday life. “The construction site is one side of the coin, but the presence of the container village requires a permanent relocation – despite all of that, the IT has to be operational 24/7.” The 80-strong IT-team in Leoben that is under the control of Andreas Steiner, originates from a dozen different nationalities – his international team consists of even more than 200 employees. The construction site will be underway until early 2023, but then the work is going to reallybe kicking off again for Steiner and his team as all equipment, the IT for 1,300 employees on site, new server rooms as well as research centres are going to be newly installed. Furthermore, Steiner also visits all AT&S locations several times a year. NTS and AT&S are linked through a “very, very good” partnership for quite some time assures Steiner, who joined the Group in 2002. “In the past we had 25 to 30 suppliers in the IT sector. It is evident thatwehad to consolidate this.” Securityis the dominating topic, andwe require reliability and high quality. These are NTS values that Steiner and his team have already had the chance to experience - or rather -were forced to: A power failure in the entire region – a very old switch that was not from Cisco – the configuration disappeared into nowhere… "Eight hours later, wewere online again thanks to NTS. These things bring you together. Because the network is our backbone, and it MUST work.” Roughly 10 years ago, AT&S relocated its headquarters from Vienna back into the Mur Valley. The reason behind this is that for a global big player, one’s own identity is more important than shiny offices in a skyscraper. Words by: Harald Müller Photo by: Andreas Steiner Andreas Steiner, Senior Manager IT-infrastructure/IT-operations. FACTS Founded in 1987 emerging from several companies Globally around 13,500 employees Interactive experience center for interested parties FROM CIRCUIT BOARDS TO NEW NETWORK CORDS 43 42