GROWN-UP GROWTH In Graz, the strong growth is shown not only structurally. The location Graz and the NTS headquarters were enlarged by 1,500 square meters in 2021. Economic-wise and in HR matters, the Graz team could register an impressive growth and they also managed to master it well. Words by: Daniela Haag Photos by:, Michael Milla “Sometimes we get dizzy by the rapid growth. Therefore, it is evenmore important to count on the right people with the right abilities,” explains Harald Reicher, TerritoryManager for Graz (and Klagenfurt). Reicher is in charge of the Graz team since 2017 – and this more than just successfully. It is not only challenging to find suitable team members, but above it all it is also important to find them early enough. Thereby, NTS focuses on cooperation with educational institutions, sales traineeships, pre-scientific work and internships. “We are especially happy about junior staff from universities of applied sciences and higher technical schools.We would like towin over young talents early enough with our spirit and we want to keep them entertained. We recently created a dedicated job in engineering with the mission to escort and coach the ‘young, wild ones’ internally,” explains Reicher with awink. On the engineering side, the NTS team in Graz is performing successfully in the areas of data center, security, collaboration, and managed services next to the recognized expertise in the routing switching area. Super services for security topics complete the broad portfolio. Many well-known companies such as AT&S, KNAPP, MAGNA, Sappi, universities, and universities of applied sciences as well as KAGes, Barmherzige Brüder, Energie Steiermark and the city of Graz are part of NTS’s customer base. The range extends from the Styrian industry via universities all the way to critical infrastructure businesses. “We grow with and alongside our projects,” explains Reicher. “We gladly take over the responsibility with our teamand our solutions. Thus, we relieve the operation fromour customers.” WORK-WALK BALANCE A collective pilgrimage: 110 km from Graz to Mariazell GRAZ The Graz team has stamina, enthusiasm, and team spirit. SPECIALIST Location Manager Harald Reicher is on site since 2017. TEAM FACTS ON LOCATION CENTRAL HEADQUARTER: THE LOCATION GRAZ AND THE NTS HEADQUARTER MOVED IN TOGETHER. COLLECT YOUR CUSTOMERS, DON’T RUN THEM OVER "We are both large enough to be economically solid and still small enough to focus on the customer." Alexander Müllner sees it as a craft to be solid as a rock for the customers. This is demanding but rewarding at the same time. Words by: Harald Müller Photos by: Harald Müller & Katharina Schiffl Alothas changedsinceAlexander Müllner started to manage the NTS location Vienna. The staff has doubled, the revenue has tripled, the number of customers hasmultiplied. “You could say that the location reached adulthood,” states Müllner as the status quo. Müllner’s direct team stands at 17, including the OC, there are currently 101 colleagues at the location in ‘Viertel Zwei’. But his tasks have received a newfocus, too: “Besides the responsibility for the customers and achieving NTS goals, caring that the employees are doing well is increasing in linewith the size of the location. There is of course always a certain customaryshortage of resources, thework therefore has to be well divided and organized; at the same time, you have to always be on the ball to detectwarning signs early enough. For this purpose, I get support from the back-office team around Mario Stix. Together with his team, Müllner covers the areas Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland and the listing of the customers sounds like the ‘Who’s who’ of the Austrian economy. Even so, there are still challenges where everybody is helping as it is still difficult for some large customers to ALEXANDER MÜLLNER Territory Manager Vienna trust NTS as a still relatively nondescript IT service provider. “There is a lot of plain persuasion to be done, of course without bending over backwards. Recentlywe had a tenderwithan initiationphase of several years and at the end Alexander Albler had to affirm in a conversation that he as CEO and owner is fully supporting the project. That’s how it eventuallyworked.” How do you find balance at the end of exhausting days? “When there isn’t enough time during the day, we sometimes go to the Schweizerhaus restaurant. Plus, on our office floor,we frequentlystage the socalled ‘State of the Union Address’, where we gather around ‘Leberkäse’ and drinks to discuss job issues that have accumulated. And of course while we're at it we also chit-chatwith each other." Style meets future: The “Viertel Zwei” business center has its own power station to supply electricity. THE MEETING ROOMS AT NTS VIENNA BEAR THE NAMES OF SUPERHEROS. VIENNA TEAM FACTS ON LOCATION TEAM 101 employees CUSTOMERS Represented at the largest companies in Austria. MOUSE Since 1934, one of the oldest rollercoasters, the “wild mouse”, is doing its circles in the Vienna Prater. PIGEON Alexander Müllner accurately relaxes while shooting clay pigeons. HORSES Within eyesight from the office is the Vienna horse racing track. 194 Employees network in Styria. CUSTOMERS Amongst them are KAGes, AT&S, MAGNA, AVL, Andritz, KNAPP, Energie Steiermark, Sappi, Barmherzige Brüder, Stadt Graz, Medical University Graz 29 28