15 14 Who is ‘Kunde 21’? Kunde 21: Kunde 21 stands for customer focus in the 21st century. We supply ideas and agile approaches so that businesses can make their customers (even more) satisfied. We are not content with “satisfied”: For us, it is all about enthusiastic customers and customer relationships filledwith “value”. For this purpose, the analytical part is covered for us by Top Service Austria by means of honoring Austria’s top companies with regard to service and customer orientation. In a fewwords: What do you understand by customer experience? K.21: To make a difference! We are all continuously experiencing points of contact as well as brands, services, and products. If we succeed in making a difference in the experience for the customer along the customer journey, then we have a fair chance that the customer associates it with a positive experience. The Regarding the topic Customer Experience, a lot has happened since the last edition of the NTSmagazine. Concrete activities and steps developed out of ideas and schemes, out of avision, and realitywas born. In the German version of Wikipedia, you can find the term “Customer Experience” defined as follows: CX or Customer ExperienceManagement describes the creation of positive customer experiences for the formation of an emotional bond between the user and the product or the provider. It is the main goal of CX to turn satisfied customers into loyal ones and to turn loyal customers into “enthusiastic ambassadors” of the brand or of the product. Like any other company that occupies itself with a new topic, NTS has walked the CXpath too,with the help of external consultants. Since March 2021, the basic CX elements were thus worked out in intensiveworkshopswith thehelpof colleagues from all departments of NTS. Together with our partners ‘Kunde 21’ and ‘netzcustomer becomes aware of us, remembers us, buys from us again, and is establishing a long-term relationship with us. In this century, satisfaction and good quality are not enough anymore: good is not good, when better is expected. Why is CX important?Which companies should acquire a CX strategy for themselves? K.21: The question should be: Which companies shouldn’t? All companies that work in highly dynamic market environments, that must innovate, “keep their customers at it” and that have to motivate and develop their employees: These businesses have no other choice than to follow their customers and their customers' needs. Those times are gone when themarketswere not saturated and when it was impossible for customers to source or to compare products from a distance. Back then, only a large marketing budget guaranteed a rise in sales. WE ARE AT THE PULSE OF OUR CUSTOMERS Customer Experience (CX) has been discovered in the “Relax, We Care” DNA. At NTS, the customer has always taken center stage, but currently the ongoing CX activities are strengthening this trend even more. Words by: Georg Trzil Photos by: NTS Interview with Barbara Aigner, Ph.D. and Alexandra Nagy, Managing Directors of ‘Kunde 21’, about customer loyalty and satisfaction. Words by: Georg Trzil » NTS HAS DEVELOPED ITS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE STRATEGY TOGETHER WITH CUSTOMERS AND WE ARE CONTINUOUSLY ADAPTING IT TO NEW CHALLENGES. « Thomas Bartl, Chief Commercial Officer, NTS » THANKS TO INTENSIVE WORKSHOPS, WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO PERFECTLY PURSUE OUR CX-JOURNEY THAT HAS LED US TO EVEN BETTER QUANTIFIABLE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES. « Georg Trzil, Head of Alliances, NTS werk P’ the following have been established: a CXvision (“We are at the pulse of our customers”), principles (customer relation, customer understanding, mindset, innovation, unique selling position, strategy), targets (customer confidence, unique customer experience, CX mindset), processes, roles (Customer Success Manager) and an NTS CX playbook that describes everything. By doing this, it was determined that NTS employees have alreadyworkedwith their customers according to, and livedby, these principles. Therefore, the existing method just had to be brought into a standardized form, so that every (new) team member, nomatter if in sales, in engineering or in a central department, is exactly aware of their role regarding customers - hence making the customer experience unique. Why has this change in the exercise of an ideal customer relationship become necessary? Because the nature of the busiNTS INTERNAL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE ness is changing with a lasting effect. The way how to collaborate with the customer needs to change due to the shift from project-oriented, nonrecurring handling of hardware deliveries towards hard and software license agreements that must be renewed constantly and periodically, as this increases the flexibility of the customer. It is not enough to work with the customers on their projects shortly before the lapse of the product utilization cycle (usually3years); it is important to support themregularlybyoptimizing the products and solutions that are used by the customers. Thus, one shifts from a mere supplier to a “trusted advisor”. What is changing for thecustomer? Insteadof activities of a reactive product partner, the customers get pro-active “wow experiences” that escort them on their journeywith solutions byNTS. NETZWERK P In the field of CX, NTS collaborates in Germanywith the partner ‘netzwerk P GmbH’, who stand for their values “courageous, authentic, high-performing”. Besides the areas MarTech consulting, B2B e-commerce and performance marketing, ‘netzwerk P’ support customers during the setup of customer journeys. Thus, they transport the topic customer experience into organizations that specifically gain and lastingly maintain the right customer base in order to create the foundation for a profitable growth. Businesses are assisted by the expertise of the professional management for the customer experience so that they are able to fulfil the expectations of the customers regarding a perfect purchasing adventure. Intensive CX workshop across several departments. Top 10: 89, industry: 89 Top 10: +67, industry: +72 Top 10: 83, industry: 83 TOTAL SATISFACTION: 94 out of 100 points NET PROMOTER SCORE: +88 out of 100 points CX SCORE: 91 out of 100 points Great results above average provided by the TOP SERVICE AUSTRIA survey about quantifiable aspects such as “satisfaction”, “customer experience” or “loyalty” conducted at 77 NTS customers. YOU CAN MEASURE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES